Knowledge Management, Process Management and Innovation Managment – please see our recommendations.
Gross, D.; Kahlert, T. “How Customer Complaints Allow Deep Insight Into the US Market”
This Snapshot for Automotive shows you how damage reports for companies can be the ideal basis for taking corrective measures at an early stage and minimizing or even completely avoiding future damage. All analytics are supported by Plexalytics and its automotive edition Carwatch. This software is specialized to read and visualize a massive amount of data records: plexalytics.com.
Bredehorst, B.; Gross, D.; Ulrich, D. “Organizational Knowledg – DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 interpreted and explained for practical use”
Gross, D.; Kind, C.; Meng, L. „Report Trends in CAD Parts Management – How fit is your parts handling?“
Structural parts are basic elements used to create complex products. Insofar, the management of these parts includes all associated administrative tasks and supporting processes aimed at safeguarding the quality of the parts and at saving costs. The results of this report are based on an online survey conducted in the German-speaking region, predominantly among industrial enterprises with more than 250 employees, with participants working in product development (including research), production, manufacturing, sales and marketing.
Gross, D.; Kind, C.; Langenberg, L. “Report Software for Knowledge Management – Comparison of Wikis, Knowledge Databases, Groupware and Search Engines”
The Pumacy report “Software for Knowledge Management” describes which software is appropriate for which company. Wikis, structured knowledge databases, groupware or enterprise search are designed for different areas of application and priorities. The report compares expenses for cost, training, implementation, and customization based on the six following categories capturing, storing, applying, evaluating, developing and distributing knowledge. The report gives system examples and provides additional information and links. Besides an overview of different software solutions the study shows what has to be considered when selecting a software and which decision criteria are relevant.
Bredehorst, B.; Gross, D.; Frost, I. & Spier, S. “Knowledge Management Trends 2014-2023: What practitioners use and visionaries expect”
A trend study of Pumacy Technologies AG answers the question of which knowledge management approaches have a chance to succeed. The authors have examined all practices for their distribution. They use the hype cycle approach for this. It illustrates the different phases of public attention that an innovation goes through during market introduction. The chart shows for each method and technology whether it is already being used in production or still subject to development. In addition to these date, the study shows when the different knowledge management trends will become established. The respondents are all knowledge management users and visionaries, most of them in managing or executive positions in large companies.
Doberstein, S.; Spier, S. & Gross, D. (Hrsg.) “Open Journal of Knowledge Management – Knowledge Management in laboratory”
Published by Community of Knowledge Volume VI, Berlin, 2012
Our annually second Open Journal of Knowledge Management is traditionally reserved for the most successfull articles of the last 12 months, which not yet published in a Open Journal. Enjoy the reading of our sixth Open Journal in 2012!
Open Journal as full text version (PDF)
Grzeganek, K.; Frost, I. & Gross, D. “Spoilt for Choice – Wiki Software for Knowledge Management in Organisations”
Published online: www.pumacy.de, Berlin, January 2011
The article presents the most popular wiki solutions and provides an analysis of features and functionalities based on organisational needs for the management of knowledge. All wiki solutions are compared to usability, search function, structuring and validation of knowledge.
Müller-Prothmann, T. & Pinternagel, S.”Give Lead Users the Lead. Integration of Requirements Engineering into Innovation Processes”
Accepted as full paper presentation at the XXI ISPIM Conference 2010, Bilbao/Spain, 2010.
Full text version (PDF) – English
Hans-Joachim Barg – a former systems administrator at Airbus and user of K.exchange, the solution for knowledge transfers between experts provided by Pumacy – talks about his experience with the solution to Berlin Maximal, the business magazine for SMBs in the region of the greater Berlin area – issue 08.2012, p. 54
Click here to read the interview
Dr. Tobias Müller-Prothmann, head of innovation management, talks about the importance of systematic innovation management for companies. Growing With Innovations – KHS competence – February 2011, p.6
Dr. Tobias Müller-Prothmann, head of innovation management, speaks to förderland.de about the programme INNOVATION MANAGEMENT for small and medium-sized enterprises, an initiative of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology. – 7 October 2009
Ingo Frost, project manager of the Community of Knowledge, speaks to CHECK.point eLearning about Pumacy sponsoring the Community of Knowledge. – September 2009
Click here to read interview