Veröffentlicht am: 08.02.2011

Study identifies trends in wiki software for business use

Recently published study of Pumacy Technologies AG suggests types of wiki software for knowledge management in the workplace. 

“Spoilt for choice – wiki software for knowledge management in organisations” is the title of a recently published study of Pumacy Technologies AG. The study evaluates whether wiki software can improve company-wide knowledge management. On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the online encyclopaedia Wikipedia Pumacy examined the most popular software solutions based on specific business requirements.

“Knowledge Management encompasses many of the aspects that are critical to the organisations,” says Ingo Frost, Project Engineer Knowledge Management at Pumacy. “Organisations use wiki software to document business-related knowledge, to leverage research and development activities or to manage project work effectively. Depending on business processes and users, every software solution offers different features to support knowledge management in organisations.”

He adds: „Wikipedia has become a distinguished brand in a short time. Today Wikipedia has already become an important part in many people’s daily lives. Wikis in organisations however provide the same features in a completely different environment and the success story of Wikipedia cannot be repeated in the same way in organisations. One reason for this is probably the number of available solutions and special issues provided such as data security or usability which we examined for this study.”

The study (  was conducted and published by Pumacy Technologies AG. The study reports on user-friendliness, search features, and quality assurancee. The examined software solutions are  Confluence, DokuWiki, DrupalWiki, Media Wiki, TikiWiki, TWiki und Foswiki.

Pumacy Technologies AG

Pumacy Technologies AG ( ) is a leading knowledge management solution provider. The comprehensive portfolio of products and services is based on an interdisciplinary approach covering knowledge, process, and innovation management. The knowledge management platform KMmaster® ( is a technology to support individual knowledge management concepts.

Pumacy has customers who are known as leading manufacturers from the aerospace and automotive, as well as the plant and machinery industries. Pumacy has extensive references from significant international projects.