Our employees have published a number of papers in foreign and domestic magazines and journals on knowledge management, innovation management, and process management.

Behnken, E. “Innovationsmanagement in Unternehmensnetzwerken: Entwicklung eines Konzepts für ein Distributed Innovation Management” Diploma Thesis, Universität Bremen, 2003. Dick, M.; Dotter, M.; Kumbruck, C. & Pätzold, R. “Wissensgemeinschaften: Erfahrungen mit dem Einsatz des Engineering Book of Knowledge (EBoK)” Wirtschaftspsychologie 2003, 116-21.

Cao,W.; Gärtner, H.; Conrad, S.; Kruijff, E.; Langenberg, D. & Schultz, R. “Digital Product Development in a Distributed Virtual Environment” In: Proceedings of Fourth International Conference on Virtual Reality and Its Application in Industry (VRAI) Bd. 5444 of SPIE – The Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers, edited by Sun, J. & Pan, Z., Tianjin/China, 23-25 October 2003.

Frost, I.; Freund, R.; Korte, H.; Bitzer, S. & Weller, S. “Projekt Meinetz: Automatische Klassifikation und Benutzermodellierung”, paper presented at the Mensch & Computer 2003, Dortmund/Germany, 2003, mc.informatik.uni-hamburg.de/konferenzbaende/mc2003/konferenzband/muc2003-42-frost.pdf.

Jansen, H. & Langenberg, D. “Standortübergreifende Produktentwicklung” In: ZWF Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb, 2003, 98 (6), 303–305.

Kahlert, T. “Moderne Verfahren zur Wirtschaftlichkeitsbewertung von EDM/PDM-Systemen” In: eDM-REPORT 2003, 3, 42-45.

Kahlert, T. “Einsatz von EDM/PDM-Systemen bei der Zusammenarbeit von Herstellern und Zulieferern” In: ZwF: Zeitschrift für wirtschaftliche Fertigung und Automatisierung 2003, 98(11), 627-29.

Krause, F.-L.; Gärtner, H.; Jansen, H.; Langenberg, D. & Schultz, R. “Verteilte Design Reviews mit immersiven VR-Techniken” In: Industrie Management, 2003, 19 (5), 25–28.

Langenberg, L. “The Engineering Book of Knowledge: Establishing and Developing Knowledge Communities within the Airbus Company”, paper presented at the 9th International Conference on concurrent Enterprising (ICE), Espoo/Finland, 2003.

Langenberg, L. & Dotter, M. “Knowledge Management in the Modern Company: the Example of an Engineering Book of Knowledge for Airbus”, paper presented at the International Conference “Virtual Engineering Applications for Design and Product Development”, Dublin/Ireland, 2003.

Müller-Prothmann, T. & Siedentopf, C. “Designing Online Knowledge Communities. Developing a Usability E.luation Criteria Catalogue”, paper presented at Knowledge Management Summer School 03 – KM in action, San Sebastian/Spain, 2003.

Wunram, M.; Bredehorst, B.; Cicek, S.; Klein, P. & Gupta, A. “Looking at Complex Adaptive Systems and Deriving Concepts for KM in Turbulent Environments”, paper presented at the 9th International Conference on Concurrent Enterprising ICE 2003, Espoo/Finland 2003.