Our employees have published a number of papers in foreign and domestic magazines and journals on knowledge management, innovation management, and process management.

Bredehorst, B. & Weber, F. “Communication and Decision Support in a Concurrent Engineering Environment. The Final Report – Codesco”,  Mainz Verlag, Aachen/Germany, 2000.

Bredehorst, B.; Weber, F. &  Müller, D.H. “Methodical Approaches for the Design of Information Structures in Product Development – an Analysis of the Current Procedure in German Design Departments”, paper presented at the 6th International Conference on Concurrent Enterprising ICE 2000, Toulouse/France, 2000.

Jansen, H. & Kahlert, T. “Dokumentenmanagement – Baustein eines integrativen Wissensmanagements” Futur 2000, 2, 16-17.

Kahlert, T. “Konzeption eines webbasierten Beratungs-Unterstützungs-Systems am Fallbeispiel einer PDM-Systemauswahl”, Fraunhofer-Institut für Produktionsanlagen und Konstruktionstechnik, IPK Berlin, 2000.

Kahlert, T. “EDMPDM.de – Fachwissen, Kontakte, aktuelle Meldungen zum Thema Produkt-Daten-Management” In: Futur 2000, 3, 26-26.

Langenberg, L. “Firmenspezifische Wissensportale für die Produktentwicklung” Dissertation, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 2000.

Peters, O.; Zabel, J. & Weber, F. “Requirements and Business Models for Practical Trading Tools and Broker Services for Efficient Bidding and Procurement in the Tile Industry”, paper presented at the E-Business: Key Issues, Applications and Technologies / eBusiness and eWork Conference and Exhibition (e2000), Madrid/Spain, 2000.

Pätzold, R. “Planung, Bewertung und Kontrolle technologischer Innovationen am Beispiel von Management Support Systemen”, 2000.

Zabel, J.; Peters, O.; Weber, F. & Steinlechner, V. “Process Re-Engineering and E-Business Models for Efficient Bidding and Procurement in the Tile Supply Chain”, paper presented at the Third European Conference on Product and Process Modelling in the building and related industries (ECPPM2000), Rotterdam/Netherlands, 2000.